Heath Mitchell’s Peak Reality Portfolio
Below are some of my examples of past work. I have worked on AR/VR/MR projects as well as video, websites and interactive screens for museums and other businesses.
This was an augmented reality project using target images. The tablet acts as a “drone” and flies over cornfield showing relevant data. This project will be rolling out to the Grow exhibit at St. Louis Science Center in 2018.
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This is a mixed reality app using the Microsoft Hololens. This demo is the next step after the Grow AR tablet project where users can walk through the cornfield and be taken up in the sky in a simulated drone mode.
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The following was a pilot project for proof of concept of augmenting the large Right Whale skeleton in the lobby of the New England Aquarium.
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The following are two interactive screen projects that are displayed in the St. Louis Science Center.
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I partnered with the Danforth Plant Center to create a VR project for the Oculus Go. This project was an educational experience showcasing several of the plants and seeds that are studied by the research team.
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I developed a website for Peters-Eichler Mechanical, Inc. They wanted a simple, easy to use website. The website can be found at http://www.peters-eichler.com/
Other websites created and maintained are http://peakreality.com, http://arflashcards.com/ and http://sippycupmom.com